
So long Twitter..

We used to employ Twitter as our news aggregator from different world news sources. Having numerous information sources helps us to understand the stories happening around us on a daily basis. Since Twitter has been sold off to a single entity who can change course of the platform on a whim, we have decided to abandon the site. To return to an unbiased, transparent source of world news, we have adopted Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds directly from the news sources via a simple RSS feed manager. This is a step back into earlier internet technology that worked extremely well. The concept works not just for news sources, as anyone producing their own content on the internet can list that content in their own RSS feed which can be enjoyed by their followers. You can find further information on RSS feeds here.

We use Feedly as our phone RSS manager and Feedlab on our desktops. Both can be found below.

RSS icon.


If you are still looking for the community aspects of a Twitter platform, you can try Mastodon. Mastodon is an open community, decentralized social platform that has much of the features Twitter had. Worth a look…

You can find me on Mastodon <- here.